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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

FireFox v.29.0-Ita-Eng_portable

Impegnato a favore delle persone, della privacy e dell’open Web
Committed to you, your privacy and an open Web

Monday, April 28, 2014

Sumo/Dumo_update software and drivers-[portable]

SUMo Software Update Monitor
SUMo (Software Update Monitor) keeps your PC up-to-date & safe by using the most recent version of your favorite software !
Unlike built-in auto update features, SUMo tells you if updates are available before you need to use your software.
DUMo Drivers Update Monitor
DUMo (Drivers Update Monitor) keeps your PC up-to-date & safe by using the most recent version of required hardware drivers!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Virtual CD-ROM Control Panel_portable

Virtual CD-ROM Control Panel v2.0.1.1

System Requirements
 Windows XP Home,Windows XP Professional,Windows Seven

Installation instructions
1. Copy VCdRom.sys to your %systemroot%\system32\drivers folder.
2. Execute VCdControlTool.exe
3. Click "Driver control"
4. If the "Install Driver" button is available, click it.
 Navigate to the %systemroot%\system32\drivers folder,
 select VCdRom.sys, and click Open.
5. Click "Start"
6. Click OK
7. Click "Add Drive" to add a drive to the drive list.
Ensure that the drive added is not a local drive. If it is,
continue to click "Add Drive" until an unused drive letter is available.
8. Select an unused drive letter from the drive list and click "Mount".
9. Navigate to the image file, select it, and click "OK".
UNC naming conventions should not be used,
 however mapped network drives should be OK.

You may now use the drive letter as if it were a local CD-ROM device.
 When you are finished you may unmount, stop,
 and remove the driver from memory using the driver control.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

How to find out the number of anonymous calls ..

Whooming is a free service, tested and working 100%
  works with a simple call forwarding on a number
  that has active service for displaying numbers private.

The mechanism is very simple, you get the anonymous call,
your phone number and turns it over to that you see in the clear ...
virtually safely and without spending anything!

Come scoprire il numero delle chiamate anonime..

Whooming è un servizio gratuito, testato e funzionante al 100%,
 lavora con un semplice inoltro di chiamata su un numero
 che ha il servizio attivo per la visualizzazione dei numeri privati.

Il meccanismo è molto semplice, a te arriva la chiamata anonima,
il tuo telefono la rigira a quel numero e te la rimanda in chiaro...
praticamente in tutta sicurezza e senza spendere nulla!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

USB Image Tool 1.64-Eng_portable

SB Image Tool 1.64
Intellectual property: Alexander Beug

USB Image Tool can create images of USB flash drives and MP3 players,
that are mounted as USB drives. It allows you switch between images
with different music styles on your MP3 player or to make an exact
backup image of your USB flash drive.

- create raw/compressed image files of USB drives
- restore images of USB drives
- show USB device information
- manage favorite USB images

For USB Image Tool license see license.txt.

USB Image Tool uses zlib/minizip compression routines. zlib by Jean-loup Gailly
and Mark Adler, minizip by Gilles Vollant.

USB Image Tool changelog
USB Image Tool 1.64
- fixed: CRLF for MD5 hash files
[Author's Note]

USB Image Tool 1.64-Eng_portable

USB Image Tool 1.64
Intellectual property: Alexander Beug

USB Image Tool è possibile creare immagini di unità flash USB e lettori MP3,
che sono montati come unità USB. Esso consente di passare tra le immagini
con diversi stili musicali sul lettore MP3 o per fare una esatta
immagine di backup della vostra flash drive USB.

- Creare file di immagine prime / compressa di drive USB
- Ripristinare le immagini di drive USB
- Informazioni sul dispositivo USB spettacolo
- Gestire le immagini preferite USB
Per la licenza Tool USB Image vedere license.txt.
USB Image Tool changelog
USB Image Tool 1.64
- fixed: CRLF for MD5 hash files
[Note dell'Autore]

Friday, April 11, 2014

Windows Defender Uninstaller v.1.2.0-by

Uninstalling 'final' and safe
Windows Defender
Intellectual property:
No problems found in the various tests ..
Still create a restore point before running the tool.
No Windows 8/8.1 !!!!

Windows Defender Uninstaller v.1.2.0
Disinstallazione 'definitiva' e sicura
di Windows Defender
Nessun problema riscontrato nei vari test..
Creare comunque un punto di ripristino,prima di eseguire il Tool.
 No Windows 8/8.1 !!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014


ShareX 8.7.1
Sharing has never been easier.
Take a screenshot, have it uploaded and get the URL
copied to your clipboard with a single hotkey.

Advanced screenshot tool and screen recorder.
Upload to 30+ different hosting services such as Imgur, FTP,
Dropbox, Mega and Pastebin.
Upload files via Windows Explorer context menu or drag & drop.
Upload clipboard content.
Multiple workflows with hotkey specific settings.
Customizable after-capture-tasks such as image annotator, image effects,
watermark and other actions.
Highly customizable settings.
[Author's Note]

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

[Twitter]-Tweetz Desktop v.0.8.16+portable

Tweetz Desktop™
Tweetz Desktop is a Windows twitter client designed to sit comfortably in the corner of your desktop. It can optionally display attached images inline (as shown below). Tweetz displays your home, mentions and direct messages in a single view reducing the need to switch timelines. Tweetz supports real time updates, posting with media and keyboard shortcuts. (Press ? to display)

Tweetz shown with dark and light themes
Available Languages:
    Dutch - translation by Joshua Jacobs
    German - translation by Tobias Fichtner
    Italian - translation by Gian Luca Boccaletti
    Spanish - translation by Rufo Mola
    Swedish - translation by Vesal Kariminejad
It's easy to translate Tweetz Desktop. Find the file tweetz.exe.locale in the install folder. Open it and follow the directions. Make sure to use a text editor like Notepad and not a word processor (like Word). (Optional) If you would like "Translation by" credit, include your name and a web address.
Requires Windows 7 or Windows 8 and .NET 4.5.1 (download here)

HD Hacker v.1.4-Stand Alone_by DIMIO

HDHacker is a small utility for Windows, which allows you to save, view or to restore the MBR,
the Boot Sector or any other sector of a Hard Disk. HDHacker can also accomplish this task
for a floppy disk, memory stick, and other storage media. HDHacker is FREEWARE.
HDHacker dos not use any installer, it runs directly from an executable.


Beside being a great insurance against MBR virus-attack,
the HDHacker program has been written as a tool for a common predicament:

On a PC with Linux and Win2000 or Windows XP (with LILO or GRUB as a boot manager) various operating systems
might overwrite LILO/GRUB (and thus make Linux inaccessible). In this case,
HDHacker allows you to save the MBR before installing a new OS (or reinstalling Windows),
then very easily restore the original LILO/GRUB.

As in previous versions, you have the option to choose whether to read/write to/from
a logical or physical drive. If the first sector is chosen on a physical drive, it will correspond to the MBR.
Otherwise, if a first sector is chosen on a logical drive, it will read/write to/from the designated Boot Sector.

Currently, it is possible to accomplish any of the following operations:

Loads a sector into memory, reading it directly from the disk.

Loads a sector into memory, which was previously saved in a file.

Saves the sector in memory to a file on any designated disk or medium.

Writes to disk, the sector in memory, in the specified (MBR or boot sector) location

Then, to save the data (the chosen MBR or boot sector), HDHacker will request:

1. To select a Physical Drive.
3. To select "SAVE SECTOR TO File"
   (if you want to save the MBR in a file, for example, as a back up).

During RESTORE, the options will be:

1. Select Physical Drive.
2. Select "LOAD SECTOR FROM File"
   (then select the backup MBR or sector file you have previously saved).
3. Select "WRITE SECTOR ON DISK" to complete the procedure.

Windows NT/2000/XP/VISTA/Seven/8

HD Hacker v.1.4-Stand Alone_by DIMIO

HDHacker è una mini utilità (Freeware) che permette, da Windows, di salvare,
visualizzare o ripristinare l'MBR, il Boot Sector
o anche un qualsiasi altro settore a piacimento di un Hard Disk o di un Floppy.

Come prima cosa è necessario scegliere se operare su di un drive logico o fisico.
Se si sceglie un drive fisico il primo settore corrisponderà all'MBR,
mentre se si sceglie un drive logico il primo settore sarà il Boot Sector.

A questo punto è possibile effettuare una delle seguenti operazioni:

Carica in memoria il settore specificato leggendolo dal disco.

Carica in memoria un settore precedentemente salvato in un file.

Salva in un file il settore attualmente in memoria.

Scrive su disco il settore attualmente in memoria nella posizione specificata.

Quindi, per salvare ad es. l'MBR, bisognerà:
1. Selezionare Physical Drive.
3. Premere "SAVE SECTOR TO FILE" per salvare l'MBR in un file.

Mentre per ripristinarlo i passaggi saranno:
1. Selezionare Physical Drive.
2. Premere "LOAD SECTOR FROM FILE" e selezionare il file precedentemente salvato.
3. Premere "WRITE SECTOR ON DISK" per completare la procedura.

Il programma funziona solamente se si è "Administrator", infatti richiede che l'utente abbia
i permessi di lettura/scrittura in qualsiasi parte del disco.

Ovviamente, se l'MBR/BootSector vengono danneggiati, Windows non riuscirà ad avviarsi
ed è quindi impossibile utilizzare HDHacker per ripristinare lo stato precedente.
In questa situazione si può utilizzare una Live di Windows avviabile da CD
o da Chiavetta USB che permetta di far funzionare HDHAcker.
Personalmente consiglio l'ottimo Hiren's Boot CD che integra HDHacker tra le varie utilities.
In alternativa è possibile creare preventivamente un disco di emergenza
che consente di avviare Windows anche con un MBR/BootSector danneggiato (,
una volta fatto questo si potrà utilizzare HDHacker per ripristinare l'MBR/BootSector salvati precedentemente.

Volendo è possibile specificare la posizione specifica del settore che si vuole andare a leggere.
E' anche possibile leggere più settori contigui di seguito fino ad un massimo di 16,
ciò può essere utile in quei casi in cui ci si trovi ad aver a che fare con MBR particolarmente grandi che occupano più di un settore.

 Windows NT/2000/XP/VISTA/Seven/8

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Crystal Disk Info v.6.1.10-Multilang_portable

CrystalDiskMark is a disk benchmark software.
Known problem
4K QD32 write test may conflict with Norton and Avira security software, so please stop real time scanner before runnning test temporarily.
CrystalDiskInfo enables you to monitor the health status of your hard drive disks, including the current temperature and S.M.A.R.T. attributes
. The program also displays detailed hardware information for each drive along with the serial number and supported hardware features.
Additional features include statistical graphs (powered by Flot), support for SSD drives, integrated email alerts, system tray alerts (system tray is referred to as "resident") and more.
[Author's Note]

Important Notice:
"MB/s" means 1,000,000 byte/sec.
The result depends on Test File Size, Test File Position, Fragmentation, IDE(PATA)/SATA/RAID/SCSI controller and CPU speed etc...
In a part of SSD, the result depends on test data(random, 0fill, 1fill).
IE8 or later is strictly recommended.
*Not support Windows 95/98/Me/NT4.
IE Settings
CrystalDiskMark depends on IE settings (Internet Options > Accessibility). Please set default (all off).
Developer: Noriyuki Miyazaki

Friday, April 4, 2014

Loader DAZ v.2.2.2 Final

Loader Daz v.2.2.2
New in Version 2.2.2:
* Added support for Windows Server 2012 R2 operating systems
* Added a valid OEM SLP key for Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (it was taken from a Dell server)
* Added a warning for virtual machines created in VirtualBox that are using Windows Server 2012 or 2012 R2 (use ICH9 for the loader to work)
* Allowed the loader to be installed onto Xen again (if it doesn't work for you then it can't be fixed)
* Added lots of new keys, SLIC's and certificates
* Cleaned up the UI
* Other minor tweaks and fixes

Working at:
Windows 7 Ultimate
Windows 7 Ultimate E
Windows 7 Professional
Windows 7 Professional E
Windows 7 Home Premium
Windows 7 Home Premium E
Windows 7 Home Basic
Windows 7 Starter
Windows 7 Starter E
Windows Vista Ultimate
Windows Vista Business
Windows Vista Business N
Windows Vista Home Premium
Windows Vista Home Basic
Windows Vista Home Basic N
Windows Vista Starter
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise (sin Hyper-V)
Windows Server 2008 Foundation
Windows Server 2008 Standard
Windows Small Business Server 2008
Windows Storage Server 2008 Standard
Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise
Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter
Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard
Windows Small Business Server 2011 Essentials
Windows Home Server 2011
Windows Server 2012 Standard
Windows Server 2012 Essentials
Windows Server 2012 Foundation
Windows Server 2012 Datacenter
Windows Storage Server 2012 Standard
Windows Storage Server 2012 Workgroup
Windows MultiPoint Server 2012 Standard
Windows MultiPoint Server 2012 Premium
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

Greenshot v.
Screenshot tool optimized for productivity. Save a screenshot or a part of the screen to a file within a second. Apply text and shapes to the screenshot. Offers capture of window, region or full screenshot. Supports several image formats.

Create complete or partial screenshots quickly
Easily annotate, highlight or obfuscate parts of the screenshot
Send the screenshot to a file, the clipboard, a printer or as e-mail attachment

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Free-Malwarebytes Chameleon-Multilang

Chameleon Gets Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Installed and Running
Malwarebytes Chameleon technologies gets Malwarebytes Anti-Malware installed and running when blocked by malicious programs.

Download Chameleon from the link above. Unzip the contents to a folder in a convenient location.
Follow the instructions in the included CHM Help File or, if the help file will not open, simply try to run the files by double-clicking on them one by one until one of them remains open, then follow the onscreen instructions